Finding an all-in-one solution to eliminate mosquitoes, flies, and other flying insects from your home and property can be a daunting task. There are so many traps that feature harsh chemicals and loud zapping, so it’s essential to know just what to look for when browsing for insect traps. Dynatrap offers a range of traps that provide comprehensive insect protection.
Have you ever noticed insects flying around lights at night? Do you ever wonder how mosquitoes seem to find you within seconds of you stepping outside? Flying insects all possess natural abilities to detect prey and other food sources. Lights attract many different insect species while mosquitoes also use carbon dioxide (the air we exhale) to track us for a meal, but how do these attractants help us catch insects?
Lights are powerful insect attractants. It may seem like the second a light comes on, insects swarm and bounce off the source. This is a phenomenon called phototaxis, meaning some bugs instinctually move away or towards a light. There are many different types of light a bulb can give off, but not all of them attract insects. UV light falls into a range of light that insects are highly sensitive to, so bugs typically gravitate towards them as opposed to other sources, such as the light from a campfire.
Dynatrap Indoor and Outdoor Insect Traps use UV light to give you the best insect-attracting power possible. By using the type of light that is most effective at attracting flying pest insects, such as moths or mayflies, each trap provides excellent protection by keeping these pests flying toward your traps and away from you.
Insect Lures
Unfortunately, UV light is not an attractant for all species of insects. Atrakta Lures add an extra layer of insect-attracting power with their main ingredient, lactic acid. This compound is produced by your body during exercise and after eating certain foods. When you sweat, the lactic acid levels in your body begin to increase. If you’ve ever exercised outside and wondered why mosquitoes seem to adore biting you, lactic acid may be the answer.
As you exercise and sweat, your body temperature typically increases as well, making you even more appetizing to mosquitoes. Each Atrakta Lure is fully loaded with lactic acid. As the UV light on the trap produces heat with the fan/light combination, it tricks mosquitoes into thinking they are flying towards their next meal. However, they will be flying towards their demise.
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